I get it….I know Red Sox fans are a little insane. They are an un-trusting and fickle group of fans, and can at times be the most annoying people on the planet. But this is getting a tad out of control.

In response to Jerry Remy’s on-air trashing of his application to be the President of Red Sox Nation…Bill Simmons went probably a bit too far in his podcast. (Via Red Sox Monster)

Remy has not been this upset since the Store 24 called him and told him they were not going to be carrying Marlboro Reds anymore.

You know what, Jerry Remy? Normally, I don’t feud with retiring second basemen unless they have a career OPS over .660. In this case, I’m going to make an exception.

Originally, I had planned to bow out of the race and throw my support behind the great Peter Gammons, who really should be Red Sox Nation president. But screw that. I’m going to stay in the race, I’m going to win the presidency, and you know what my first act’s going to be? I’m going to push the Red Sox to ban all smoking in Fenway Park.

You’re screwed, Remy. You’re going to be announcing Red Sox games with a two-foot nicotine patch on your right arm, and every time the Sox are putting together a rally, you’re going to frantically be chewing seven pieces of Nicorette at the same time. Eventually, you’re going to need Jim Rice to carry you out of the press box, like he did after you blew out your knee in ’83.

So, I’m coming for you, Jerry Remy. I’m coming after you and I’m coming after your lungs.

Wow. Unnecessary? Yeah…to say the least. Look I understand Red Sox Nation’s passion, but don’t you think that’s a little overboard?

The gloves are off: The Sports Dude strikes back (Red Sox Monster)
Bill Simmons addresses his feud with Jerry Remy (Simmons Podcast)

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