It’s been awhile since we’ve had an ESPN “movie promotion” post, so this announcement comes with perfect timing. Jim Carey will appear on Monday Night Countdown with Chris Berman and the gang to promote his new movie “Yes Man”.

Actor Jim Carrey, star of the upcoming Warner Brothers film The Yes Man, will appear on this week’s Monday Night Countdown in a pre-taped special segment. The piece will play off the theme of Carrey’s new film as he asks viewers a series of NFL-themed questions, answering an emphatic “YES” to all and getting increasingly excited as he progresses.

Well at least he’s not a guest in the booth with that same cheesy angle, right? Hopefully the group won’t overdo the whole segment, but with that collection of individuals, I don’t see how that’s possible.


Awful Announcing

If you were the coach of Ole Miss, how would you have responded to Johnny Long’s celebration?

Vote below
  • I would address it with the umpire to ensure fairness.
  • I would ignore the celebration and focus on motivating my team.
  • I would lodge a formal complaint after the game.
  • I would use it as a motivator to rally my team.
147 votes