This post is really just a preamble to the Final Round of the U.S. Open, but if you missed Tiger Woods eagle putt on the 13th hole, here it is….

The guy is just a machine. He putted that at least six feet to the right before it swung back to the left. Amazing. Bob Costas and company are on hand and I’ll be pulling quotes and videos from the Final Round as it creeps along. If anything exciting happens you know where to find it.

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads and let’s enjoy some Golf!

Awful Announcing

How do you think Kirk Cousins should have handled the Falcons drafting Michael Penix Jr.?

Poll ends in 6 days • Vote below
  • Confront the team management privately
  • Express his concerns through the media
  • Support Penix publicly regardless of his feelings
  • Stay silent on the matter
52 votes