When I first got an email with the above quote, I assumed that there had to be some sort of joke involved with the comment. But no. Not joke at all. Tony was asking Michael Wilbon if he had any wedding advice for Shelden Williams and Candace Parker, who recently eloped, and he had this to say….


So that’s why he was hanging out at those porn star parties! But hey, I’m not one to judge. Like Kornheiser said….good for you.

(Thanks to ES for the tip)

Awful Announcing

If you were the coach of Ole Miss, how would you have responded to Johnny Long’s celebration?

Vote below
  • I would address it with the umpire to ensure fairness.
  • I would ignore the celebration and focus on motivating my team.
  • I would lodge a formal complaint after the game.
  • I would use it as a motivator to rally my team.
147 votes