Peter King usually uses the last page of his Monday Morning Quarterback column for a collection of random thoughts, and in his last “thing he thinks he thinks”, he decided to take a shot at the New York Times. The Times, who acquired the Globe recently, announced that the Boston paper is dangerously close to being shut down, much to the dismay of the state of Massachusetts and King….

You cannot be serious about shuttering the Boston Globe, you New York Times people. That’s unjust and ridiculous and will be a black mark against anything you do journalistically in the long-term. How do you walk into the flagship journalistic institution in a six-state region and say, “Unless everyone in the building takes a monstrous pay cut, and a few of you walk away from your jobs forever, we’re closing the place?” What kind of management style is that?

I think everyone is in agreement that it would be a shame to lose an institution like the Boston Globe, and it’s certainly good to have someone as widely read as King, to have in your corner.

Ten Things I Think I Think (SI: Peter King)

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