We’re bringing this AA staple back — we provide a photo, you come up with hilarious captions and we present the winners, and a new pic, the next day. At the bottom of each post, we’ll also have 5-10 links that we highly recommend you check out.

Yesterday’s photo winners:

I’m out, Jerry — Kevin7673

Miley Cyrus’ new video is grrrreeaatttt! — JohnnyFairPlay

I’m so glad I did that Shake Weight workout to help me with this celebration! — Nate H

Hey Brett, am I doing this right???????  — College Wolf

Shortly after the Giants finished off Atlanta in this year’s NLDS, Major League Baseball denied that they were launching an investigation into how Wolverine from the X-Men could be closing out playoff games.  — Matt B


Can you come up with a good caption for this pic of Brett Favre from MNF?

Not Awful Links:

Boom goes the dynamite kid lands a job at ABC affiliate [KSAX]

Minnesota radio call of Brett Favre interceptions are fun to listen to [call via Hot Clicks]

Did Clark Kellog commit recruiting violation at Ohio State? [Dispatch]

Marisa Miller hired as NFL spokesperson [Hollywood Reporter]

Rangers had a sober celebration for Josh Hamilton [Foul Territory]

Josh Luchs confesses to paying players over his 20 years as NFL agent [SI.com]

If you ever have a picture or link you think we should use, send us an email or message on Twitter.