Here is a rivalry we can all get behind. Umpire “Country” Joe West and Hawk Harrelson are at it again, according to Aaron Gleeman. Calling for the “cross up” to hit a fat, old umpire is pretty devious stuff. Hawk isn’t one to shy away from Dale Gribble-like conspiracy theories, and certainly believes the country singing umpire has it out for the Pale Hose.

This isn’t a fresh beef between these two, as the video shows. Hawk calling for the suspension and/or retirement of Joe West in that video is good stuff. In Hawk’s defense, West was recently voted the 2nd worst umpire in all of MLB. Still, how can you stay mad at a man who has pipes like these? Here’s a quick fast forward to my personal favorite part of Hawk’s rant.

I’m kind of surprised that this all happened. Hawk was having a fantastic week before these shenanigans. His boy, Mariotti, spent some time in the clink and his smiling face now rules the top of Awful Announcing.

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