Time again for Create the Caption!  I told you it’s trying to make a comeback.  Last time we saw this image of Bill Simmons celebrating a Blake Griffin dunk…

The winner was LarryMartin for going old school with this gem – “Confident, confident dry and secure…raise your hand, raise your hand if you’re SURE!”

Super Bowl XLV came and went and the Packers lifted the Lombardi Trophy.  While Green Bay won the title, there were plenty of losers last night as well.  Big Ben for throwing two important interceptions, including one for a TD.  Christina Aguilera for not only screwing up the national anthem, but singing one of the overall worst renditions I’ve ever heard.  The NFL for screwing 400 fans out of seats that weren’t really seats.  However, the biggest loser of them all was definitely Alex Rodriguez.  You see, when a grown man is shown being fed by his girlfriend in front of 100+ million people, that’s slightly embarrassing.  When you’re A-Rod though, it’s just another day at the office.  Can you create a caption for A-Rod being fed like a baby by Cameron Diaz below?  Credit to bubbaprog and the awesome mocksession.com for the pic!

Not Awful Links

You can listen to Christina’s botched anthem here… if you dare.  Sorry, America.  [Youtube]

SI’s Richard Deitsch gives his grades to Fox for their broadcast.  Even though we’ve been tough on Fox’s NFL game broadcasts, they did fairly well last night.  [Sports Illustrated]

Furthermore, amazingly Fox failed to mention the name “Brett Favre” during their game broadcast.  Too bad I took the over.  [Yahoo Sports]

USA Today’s ad meter ranks the best of the Super Bowl commercials with a tie at the top.  [USA Today]

Super Bowl XLV is on its way to replacing Super Bowl XLIV as the most watched TV thing ever.  [Sports Media Watch]

Deadspin got a huge makeover.  As of now, I’m not terribly impressed.  It ranks somewhere between Joan Rivers and Wayne Newton.  [Deadspin]

Don Cherry being Don Cherry.  [Days of Y’Orr]

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