NBC/Outdoor Life Network/Versus/NBC Sports Network looks to be beefing up their hockey coverage by adding NCAA hockey. In April, the NHL signed a 10-year extension to remain with the NBC family thus making this a logical move, in my opinion, to promote hockey since they’ve invested a Scrooge McDuck money pit of coin into the sport. Here are some of the rumored details.

Versus is intending to reach agreement with all five current Division I leagues to air games on Friday or Saturday nights. Some of those deals have already been finalized. Versus is expected to make an announcement of its broadcast package once all of the deals have been completed.

If you are already a fan of the NHL, college hockey will be something you likely will enjoy as well. There really is not an overabundance of teams, so the talent level is not watered down. It’s common to see multiple future NHL draft picks playing on a good team. Also, since it’s college, you get that unique intensity and atmosphere that really results in some memorable games.

I was curious what kind of programming Versus runs on a typical Friday night so I looked ahead at tonight’s schedule. I kid you not; a show called Elk Fever runs nonstop from 7 pm until 3 am. Elk Fever. 8 straight hours of… Elk… Fever. So, the bottom line here is Versus is replacing shows like that one with a likely higher drawing live sporting event that directly will promote the NHL while giving the viewers something new and exciting. This certainly seems like a win-win-win situation that Michael Scott would be proud of.

For those of you not buying in yet, just watch this University of Alaska Fairbanks video that the team takes the ice to.

If a polar bear flying a fighter jet that drops bombs into volcanoes causing the destruction of Earth doesn’t get you excited for hockey, than it’s likely nothing will.

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