ESPN’s ludicrous decision to whiteitize Michael Vick amidst its ESPN The Vick magazine issue drew outrage, ire, and disbelief from nearly all corners of the web.  Even the author of the article took offense to ESPN’s labeling of his article, that specifically addresses the inability to ask wonder how things would be differeint if Michael Vick were white, with a picture of White Vick and the title “What If Michael Vick Were White?”  This enitre episode crosses into realms of stubbornness, insensitivity, cluelessness, and just general laziness.  Clearly, White Vick was only done to create pageviews and controversy.  A comment to The Big Lead from ESPN talking about “the discussion” is all you need to know.  I’m all for more meaningful discourse about racial issues in sports, but this is not the way to do it.  So let’s put ourselves into the shoes of ESPN the Magazine and hypothetically and pointlessly wonder, what if White Michael Vick was…

What if White Michael Vick was an Avatar…

What if White Michael Vick was a real eagle (via Joe Sports Fan)…

What if White Michael Vick was a master of disguise…

What if White Michael Vick was a cartoon character…

What if White Michael Vick promised hope and change…

And of course, what if White Michael Vick had a mullet…

What if ESPN had the common sense to never introduce White Michael Vick to the world?  That would be nice.

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