This is what looked like Friday night after a 3-1 victory for the USA in their first 2014 World Cup Qualifying game against Antigua and Barbuda (population: 81,000… or, what equates to playing a team devised of people exclusively from Greenville, North Carolina).  While three points is three points once the games start to count, a 3-1 scoreline considering the competition was excruciatingly ordinary.  To their credit, was able to somehow present the victory as both a comfortable victory and a belabored struggle.  While the main portal’s link “Making It Look Easy” described an easy victory against the Caribbean side where the Americans “rolled,” the headlines said the United States was “shaky” in the victory.  Which is it ESPN!?!?!

Later in the evening, the headlines section won this internal tug of war as the portal was changed to “Shake, Rattle, & Roll,” describing a less than impressive victory.  I’m glad that’s settled, then.

[H/T rdubs007]