As if this week wasn't hard enough for Lance Armstrong, major American newspapers like the Los Angeles Times are now confusing him with space pioneers who recently passed away.  Talk about a quick fall from grace.  The only thing we're missing from Lance now is the tell-all book.  If it was good enough for a habitual liar like Pete Rose, it's good enough for Lance Armstrong, who is making Barry Bonds look more and more like Gandhi with each passing day.

(H/T Romenesko)

Awful Announcing

If you were the coach of Ole Miss, how would you have responded to Johnny Long’s celebration?

Vote below
  • I would address it with the umpire to ensure fairness.
  • I would ignore the celebration and focus on motivating my team.
  • I would lodge a formal complaint after the game.
  • I would use it as a motivator to rally my team.
138 votes