I have something embarrasing to admit. I am that guy that looks forward to televised Celebrity sporting events. There’s just something so egomaniacal and over-the-top-shameless that I guess I can’t make myself look away. I mean, I think I honestly would be upset with myself if I wasn’t watching live when the third leading actor from Bones just intercepted Joe Montana.

I think it all started with those Rock ‘N’ Jock games that MTV used to air in the 90’s. In my head back then the Dan Cortese vs. Bill Bellamy rivalry was probably equal to Knicks/Bulls in the 90’s and this stretch of back-to-back 25 pointers (at the 10:20 mark) in the ’94 RNJ by JR Rider and Gary Payton was probably greater than Joe Carter’s World Series clinching homerun in my opinion.

Anyways, the third most important Bowl game of the weekend, the Celebrity Beach Bowl, was on Saturday. Snoop took MVP honors as he was just too much to handle for the likes of Artie Lange and Doogie Howser. Here’s his first touchdown of the game with Dan Patrick and Kevin Frazier providing the call.

La Di Da Di Snoop likes to party. I gotta say I’m impressed these days when someone can do something that produces audible groans from seemingly everyone in attendance. Well done.