With the end of football season and the Pammies more than six months away, we’re moving our Friday staple, This Week in Screengrab Snafus, to Saturdays to make sure you start your weekend the right way… and to help cope with the fact that it’ll be six more months until the return of PamHawk.  With Craig James out of the picture, you know Pam Ward will be back for the Pammies crown with a vengeance.

We start this week’s snafus with this image from an ESPN interview with Mike Mayock about the NFL Draft.  Needless to say, they would do about as well on the Wunderlic as Vince Young with spelling like this. (H/T clinthulsey)

Via bubbaprog come these two screengrabs.  First, from a recent Hawks-Lakers game, if you were going to clone one NBA player… why in the world would it be Vladimir Radmanovic?

Secondly, “Generic Text Goes Here” could describe a multitude of manufactured debates from the mothership.  I’m just surprised the dummy text doesn’t involve Jeremy Lin or Tim Tebow.  That would make things so much easier…

And finally, via dbaybucks comes our first ever sweatshirt snafu thanks to the University of Cincinnati, taking pride in botching the spelling of their school.  At least they got Bearcats right…

That was your week in Screengrab Snafus, next time be careful out there!

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