Ever wonder who is the world's biggest bro? According to NPR, it's Ryan Lochte. The outlet known for its serious take on news performed a "study" to determine which man is the biggest bro. Lochte excelled in every category, earning the title as the King of Bro-dom. 


Congratulations, Lochte! Feel free to add this newly acquired title to your resume. It might look a bit better on there than What Would Ryan Lochte Do?

So, how did NPR arrive at such a result? They broke down what it means to be a bro into four specific dimensions: Jockishness, Dudeliness, Preppiness and Stoner-ishness. NPR then assigned different bros from around the world of media and sports to each category, using a Venn diagram (hey, it is NPR) to arrive at their choice for the ultimate bro. 

You can see their diagram below:

Here is a bit of insight from NPR on how they arrived on their choice of Lochte as the leader of the bros:

Lots of people told us that, yes, a bro is definitely a white dude. (But per Bryan Lowder at Slate, bros aren't necessarily straight.) Other people said that while most of the bros in our popular culture are white dudes, you could find plenty of bros of color in the real world at places like USC. (Alas, even in bro-dom, people of color are underrepresented in the media.) Some folks suggested that there were lady-bros — think Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids. And, of course, many people drew the distinction between bros and the term bruhs, which has a different (but occasionally still fratty) connotation among black folks speaking to other black folks.

We quickly realized that folks were employing different working definitions of bro-ness. We got the farthest in our articulation of bro-dom by asking people to send us examples of famous folks who fit the bill. A few of the same names kept popping up: Matthew McConaughey, Joe Rogan, John Mayer, Dane Cook, the conveniently and appropriately named Brody Jenner. But we ultimately concluded that at the chewy nougat-y core of bro-dom lay the eminently quotable Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte.

Did they get it right? Is there another male out there that's the better definition of what it is to be a bro? Do they deserve their own lightly watched E! reality show? Discuss below.


About David Rogers

Editor for The Comeback and Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Lover of hockey, soccer and all things pop culture.