ESPN's low ratings have been in the news and last night David Letterman had a crack at the self-proclaimed worldwide leader with a Top Ten list of the lowest rated shows on ESPN.  As it is with most of Letterman's lists, it's hit or miss and #1 isn't really all that good.  (Joe Theismann doesn't even work at ESPN anymore, c'mon Dave!)  In fact, #10 is the funniest and by far the creepiest on the countdown.  Let's hope ESPN never gets that desperate for ratings.


Awful Announcing

If you were the coach of Ole Miss, how would you have responded to Johnny Long’s celebration?

Vote below
  • I would address it with the umpire to ensure fairness.
  • I would ignore the celebration and focus on motivating my team.
  • I would lodge a formal complaint after the game.
  • I would use it as a motivator to rally my team.
108 votes

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