To take a look at Fox's Super Bowl broadcast, we invite back an old friend of the program – Ed Sherman of the Sherman Report and the Chicago Tribune. We take an in-depth look at how Fox did the best job they could with the Super Bowl blowout and discuss Ed's new book about Babe Ruth's called shot. Topics include…

-His glorious feud with Deadspin and how it all started.
-How being called every four letter word by Tommy Craggs has helped his internet profile.
-Fox's grade for the Super Bowl broadcast and why it's an incomplete.
-Best & Worst elements of Fox's Super Bowl pregame coverage.
-Are we getting saturated with too much pregame?
-The firestorm surrounding Erin Andrews and all the unfair criticisms flung her way.
-No noticeable Super Bowl bump for Fox Sports 1.
-Ed's new book on Babe Ruth's Called Shot. Is it fact or fiction?
-Why Babe Ruth himself made the most convincing argument that his called shot was a myth.
-A quick look ahead to NBC's Winter Olympics coverage.

You can pre-order Ed's book at Amazon as it comes out February 18th.

For more from Ed, follow him at@Sherman_Report.

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