Two weeks ago, Dick Vitale live-tweeted a Billy Joel concert in Tampa Bay. It was awesome. This Friday, Vitale was at it again, live tweeting a Barry Manilow concert – a mere day before calling the Duke-Syracuse game from the Carrier Dome. And yes, Dickie V was just about as excited as you could imagine.

Now that the pre-concert festivities are over, it's time to have some fun.

Can you just imagine Vitale sitting in his box, tweeting out each song of Manilow's playlist while trying to enjoy himself at the same time?

Oh, and in the midst of tweeting, he managed to get in another plug for the game.

Back to the hits!

That last tweet may be the pinnacle of his live-tweeting. Amazing.

Time to plug the game again!

Back to live-tweeting.

And back to plugging.

And… back to the concert.

And finally…one more plug for the game before turning in.

You may have noticed the random people tagged in some of these tweets. Well, they were commenting about Vitale's fantastic tweeting throughout the night.

Dick Vitale's Twitter accounts is one of the greatest developments in sports in the past decade.

I do have some bad news though – this is probably going to be the last time we're going to get Dickie V tweeting from a concert for awhile, because the schedule at the Tampa Bay Times Forum is sparse over the next couple of months. How disappointing…

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About Joe Lucia

I hate your favorite team. I also sort of hate most of my favorite teams.