New Washington Redskins head coach Jay Gruden is under a lot of pressure in his new job.  So much pressure in fact, it's causing his eyeballs to bulge out of their sockets.  SO MUCH PRESSURE that he's losing sight of just who it is he's coaching.

Watch as the younger Gruden talks about coaching "Raider Nation" in this interview with WUSA in DC, catching himself in an awkward moment

In fairness to Jay Gruden, his brother did coach Raider Nation at one point, so maybe that's why he got confused.  Or, he's realized what a horrible mistake he's made in working for Daniel Snyder and he wishes he could be somewhere else.  He could also have just been nervous seeing as how Daniel Snyder and Robert Griffin III were probably off-screen giving him the death stare in his 3rd hour on the job.

Surely this is giving Redskins fans all the confidence in the world that this guy Jay Gruden, the man that turned Andy Dalton into an interception throwing machine in the playoffs, is the right man to handle all the pressure that comes with the job.

(Video via FTW, GIF via bubbaprog)

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