Miko Grimes, wife of Miami Dolphins corner Brent Grimes, has never been shy. She is always willing to speak her mind on Twitter, and was even arrested prior to a game against the Buffalo Bills on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Most recently, Miko went after the Miami Herald’s Armando Salguero, along with the Herald’s Adam Beasley and the Palm Beach Post’s Andrew Abramson.

Miko’s tweets are now protected, but Salguero posted a tweet that she sent in regards to the three aforementioned reporters, that included a vulgar reference to Magic Johnson:

According to Salguero, Miko reportedly did not like an article he wrote about Tannehill that compared him to Joe Flacco, which resulted in Mrs. Grimes calling him a “p—y.”

The team met up with the couple to discuss her press privileges as a result of that incident. Salguero also says that the team has met up with Brent and his wife on numerous occasions to discuss her personality, insisting that it “reflected poorly on the organization.”

Another problem that Miko has with the Dolphins appears to be with Ryan Tannehill, according to Salguero:

Tannehill seems to be something of a burr for Mrs. Grimes. Indeed another reason she recently said she is upset with me is that she perceives me as defending Tannehill too much. She wrote on twitter that I “am up Tannehill’s a–.”

Part of Grimes’ Twitter rant went after the Dolphins starting quarterback:

Salguero refutes that he is biased towards Tannehill, and states that he wrote a column on wanting to trade Tannehill to New Orleans.

This story doesn’t appear to be quite over, and knowing Miko Grimes’ personality, it certainly is not.

[Miami Herald]

About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.

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