If you follow just about any ESPN employees on Twitter, you’ll have already been made aware of the current reply-all chain that’s dominating the conversation.
For anyone who hasn’t worked in a corporate environment, apparently someone accidentally sent a company-wide email. As per usual, a few people decided (probably correctly) that it’d be funny to hit reply-all, which obviously would once again go to everyone. Things tend to spiral from there. There’s no telling how long it will go. Reply-all situations, like coal mine fires, have to burn out naturally.
And now, a selection of reply-all related tweets:
We currently have a REPLY ALL situation ongoing at work and I can't express how much joy it's giving me.
— Kevin Van Valkenburg (@KVanValkenburg) April 11, 2018
Just want to say @katienolan, @minakimes and @mbretosESPN are winning the great ESPN e-mail reply all debacle of 2018.
— Eric Gomez (@EricGomez86) April 11, 2018
Reply all day is best day in my ESPN history https://t.co/f3pmuT8iMg
— Brendan Kaminsky (@BKaminsky) April 11, 2018
I was planning to write something right now, but someone accidentally emailed every ESPN employee and it has turned into a hilarious reply all of everything https://t.co/prKpTLNeDv
— Tom VanHaaren (@TomVH) April 11, 2018
A few folks outside ESPN were even moved to envy:
I want in on this ESPN "reply all" thing
— Eric Edholm (@Eric_Edholm) April 11, 2018
And some people chimed in with potential solutions:
.@espn The solution to Reply All email disasters is to use Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) when sending to a large group of people.
— SirJohnCard (@SirJohnCard) April 11, 2018
Thank you, Sir John. I’m sure that will be passed along to tech support.
In the end, though, it did burn out, but only after more than a hundred company-wide emails:
RE: Regarding INC5760131 reply all apocalypse at ESPN has seemed to come to an end. 130+ emails in close to a hour. It’s been a ride. pic.twitter.com/QJVKnNxxWn
— Jon Scott (@JonScott44) April 11, 2018
Shayna Hayes offered this requiem, which is probably the best way to describe a welcome break from the corporate routine:
Reply-all-colypse at ESPN has mercifully ended. But I was amused for a solid 30 minutes, so thanks colleagues.
— YaYa's Daughter (@MsShaynaT) April 11, 2018
Somebody at ESPN should really send a company-wide email advising the company to avoid company-wide emails.