The alternate “ManningCast” Monday Night Football broadcast with Peyton and Eli Manning on ESPN2 has received a lot of Twitter discussion so far, including for the banter between the hosts. And Monday Night Football With Peyton And Eli has seen impressive ratings for an alternate broadcast, albeit way below the ratings for the actual game broadcast on ESPN. Some of that has been about the notable guests they’ve managed to line up. And that looks set to continue in Week 3, the Philadelphia Eagles-Dallas Cowboys game. Here are the guests announced for that broadcast:
It’s certainly interesting to see Matthew Stafford, LeBron James, Nick Saban, and Chris Long all show up on an alternate MNF broadcast. And that speaks to the traction this alternate broadcast is finding with notable and influential people, and that also adds some further incentive for people to watch this alternate feed instead of the main game. We’ll see if the Mannings and their guests are able to keep up this alternate feed’s momentum this week.
[Omaha Productions on Twitter]