Scott Van Pelt on SportsCenter in March 2023. (ESPN.)

Scott Van Pelt unexpectedly played hurt on his SportsCenter show, as his voice was less than ideal throughout Thursday’s broadcast.

Van Pelt’s voice cracked, which got worse throughout the show, but Van Pelt toughed it out and finished the broadcast.

After the show, Van Pelt tweeted, “What a bizarre deal. Voice just kinda stopped working…while attempting to host a show. Not ideal, to say the least. Apologies for that mess.”

It’s great that Van Pelt demands perfection, but many people understood what he was going through, and he didn’t need to apologize. It’s live TV, and unexpected things happen on live TV.

Many in the media sympathized with Van Pelt, encouraging him and sharing that it’s happened to them.

While I’m sure Van Pelt isn’t thrilled about his voice cracking, something like this shows the appeal of live TV. It’s great that most nationally broadcast studio shows operate like well-oiled machines these days, but it stops having a “live” feeling after a while. When something like this happens, and the host rolls through the punches as great as Van Pelt did, it shows the spontaneity of live TV that is sometimes missing.

If Van Pelt decides to work Friday, hopefully, he will have someone like Lou Duva in his corner getting him tea during commercial breaks.

Take care, Scott. Get that voice at 100%.

About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp