Scott Van Pelt is as close to universally respected as anyone in sports media, and for plenty of good reasons. We got another example last night, as Van Pelt used his daily One Big Thing segment to talk about the 31st anniversary of his father’s death.

It’s wrenching, of course, but it’s not a message of despair:

“It was 31 years ago. How is that even possible? How can you even process something that makes as little sense as that? That I’m older now than he ever got to be? That he saw so little of the life his son got to live?”

Van Pelt closed with this, and the catch in his voice at the end says all you need to know about how important this was for him to say:

“Today isn’t worse than another day, it’s just another day. But to try to swallow it, to ignore it today, would be a mistake. So maybe it’s selfish to do it here, but it’s intentional. Because we all have our pain to deal with. And maybe it helps somebody else, or encourages someone to tell a loved one who’s still here how you feel. Maybe it doesn’t. Either way, I miss you dad. Today, and every day. And I hope you’d be proud of how it all turned out.”

Well said, in every sense.

The replies to Van Pelt’s tweet announcing the segment were all positive, and grew to include plenty of stories of how it hit home:

SVP took notice this morning, too:

It looks like Van Pelt’s decision to be selfish ended up helping plenty of people.

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.