The NHL on ESPN studio set Thursday featured a desk that didn’t have room for everyone.

Some hockey fans have, perhaps unfairly, questioned ESPN’s commitment to the NHL for using some remote broadcast production during the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

While ESPN cited logistical problems for making that necessary, fans said a situation Thursday night on the NHL on ESPN studio set once again raised questions about the network’s commitment.

The studio show had host Steve Levy, analysts Mark Messier and P.K Subban and reporter Emily Kaplan seated at a desk. Problem: There were four people at a desk designed to seat three. Kaplan sat beyond the edge of the desk, like the poor little cousin stuck at the end of the Thanksgiving dinner table.

The immediate reactions from fans were quite predictable.

Obviously, citing a bad studio desk as proof that ESPN somehow short-changes the NHL ignores parent company Disney’s huge investment ($400 million per year) in the sport. And it’s a disservice to Levy and his fellow studio mates, who care very much about their performance.

That said, couldn’t someone have raided the hospitality suite, or anywhere else, and found a longer table to seat four people?

Fans were both irritated and amused by the odd-looking situation.


About Arthur Weinstein

Arthur spends his free time traveling around the U.S. to sporting events, state and national parks, and in search of great restaurants off the beaten path.