Credit: Pardon the Interruption on ESPN

Apparently Dan Le Batard is known within the sports industry for being a very sweaty man. During Thursday’s episode of Pardon the Interruption, hosts and Le Batard buddies Tony Kornheiser and Pablo Torre used a segment debating MLB jerseys to make jokes about the former ESPNer Le Batard’s perspiration.

The new Nike MLB jerseys manufactured by Fanatics are giving way to monstrous sweat stains throughout baseball this season, and both Torre and Kornheiser agreed it was a problem for the league. But they quickly pivoted to mocking their mutual friend.

“I work with Dan Le Batard now, so I know what a sweat stain means and looks like,” Torre said. “This stuff is LeBatardian.”

The elder PTI host didn’t pass up an opportunity to rib his longtime buddy.

“I am so glad you mentioned Le Batard, because for people who don’t understand this, by the second inning of a game in Miami in July, he would look like the Mississippi River,” Kornheiser said. “He would have to change jerseys between pitches.”

The segment got back on track long enough for the hosts to diss MLB for its unprofessional look.

As PTI went to break, both Kornheiser and Torre poured it on a little more.

“I love Le Batard dearly, but (he’s a) human rainforest,” Kornheiser said. “He’s soaking at all times.”

Torre works with Le Batard at Meadowlark Media while splitting time at ESPN. Torre was also a frequent fill-in host on Highly Questionable alongside Le Batard when the South Floridian host worked for the worldwide leader.

Kornheiser and Le Batard go back further. The two were both sports columnists in the 1990s, and Le Batard often refers to Kornheiser and his PTI cohost Michael Wilbon as mentors.

All the while, Le Batard seemingly earned a reputation for perspiring more than your average gentleman. And he can’t live it down with his colleagues, even after leaving the network.

[Pardon the Interruption]

About Brendon Kleen

Brendon is a Media Commentary staff writer at Awful Announcing. He has also covered basketball and sports business at Front Office Sports, SB Nation, Uproxx and more.