The last time the Los Angeles Dodgers were in the World Series, a hobbled Kirk Gibson launched a walk-off home run that was voiced over by one of the more iconic broadcast calls of all-time: “High fly ball into right field… she is GONE.” *Long silence as the crowd roars.* “In a year that has been so improbable, the impossible has happened.”

The man who delivered that call was, of course, the great Vin Scully, who retired last fall after 67 years voicing Dodgers games. And although it might seem natural for Scully to have an honorary role in the team’s first World Series berth since 1988 (which L.A. secured Thursday with an 11-1 win over the Cubs), the legendary broadcaster is not interested.

Scully reportedly told the Los Angeles Daily News in an email, “I honestly don’t feel I belong there and I would not want anyone to think I was eager for a spotlight.”

Scully has always attempted to deflect attention from himself, declining various offers to participate in national broadcasts, though last year during his retirement tour he did give the people what they craved by participating in numerous laudatory celebrations of his legacy.

It sounds like Fox would be more than willing to welcome Scully into the booth for the World Series. Here’s what Joe Buck told the LADN:

“I swear on my late father, to have Vin come do some of the series with us and in my place would be an honor. If someone can hypnotize him and make him say ‘yes,’ I will drive and pick him up myself. He knows I feel this way, as does Fox and he continues to say no, unfortunately.”

There are currently several nascent petitions online begging for Scully to participate in the Fall Classic. As of this writing, the one on Go Petition has 480 signatures, while another on The Petition Site has 203 — not quite enough to catch Vin’s attention… yet.

Petitions aside, just about everyone would be entirely thrilled to hear Scully call the Dodgers one more time, even if it’s just for an inning or two. But if the man himself wants to lay low, that is, of course, his prerogative.

[Los Angeles Daily News]

About Alex Putterman

Alex is a writer and editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. He has written for The Atlantic, VICE Sports,, and more. He is a proud alum of Northwestern University and The Daily Northwestern. You can find him on Twitter @AlexPutterman.