The Arizona Cardinals and Dallas Cowboys are currently playing (preseason) Sunday Night Football at AT&T Stadium, and NBC introduced a new feature for their broadcasts.

It’s called the “Green Zone,” and it’s used on third downs to show viewers how far a team has to go to get a first down.

Wait, isn’t that what the yellow line is already for? Yes, but this shows the space — highlighted in green, so, greener grass — an offense needs to cover in order to get a first down. Or… to reach the yellow line.

See the vaunted Green Zone for yourself:

Ah, it sure is green. And yep, it shows that space needed to get a first down! Hooray for technology. Reminiscent of ESPN illuminating the three-point line for NBA broadcasts.

As you’d imagine, Twitter doesn’t seem to find the Green Zone all that necessary.

*Someone* likes it, at least.

About Matt Clapp

Matt is an editor at The Comeback. He attended Colorado State University, wishes he was Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris, and idolizes Larry David. And loves pizza and dogs because obviously.

He can be followed on Twitter at @Matt2Clapp (also @TheBlogfines for Cubs/MLB tweets and @DaBearNecess for Bears/NFL tweets), and can be reached by email at