Joe Buck

Here’s a fun one. Joe Buck (apparently on a mission to demonstrate that he’s more willing to have fun with the outdated perception that he’s zero fun at all) teamed up with Howard Stern to play a bit of a prank on a couple of unsuspecting sports radio hosts.

Here’s the clip, which purports to be Buck calling into the radio show and asking the guys for their opinions on Joe Buck.

This being local sports radio, the takes were predictable, and here’s the result:

A brief, edited transcript:

Buck: I was wondering…what do you guys think of broadcaster Joe Buck.

Radio Guy #1: Hate him.

Radio Guy 2: I’m not a big Joe Buck fan.

RG1: I do. 

RG2: I don’t like Joe Buck because he’s a Yankees hater.

Buck: Some people give him a hard time, but I think he’s a good guy, who tries his best.

RG2: He’s an awful, awful broadcaster…his voice just irritates me, and I wish he’d go away.

Buck: Stop cyber-bullying Joe Buck! Sounds like you might be a classic hater. Know what I think? I think you might be jealous of Joe Buck. 

RG1: Is this Joe Buck?

RG2: Joe Buck called into my show?

Buck: Yes. Haters gonna hate.

RG2: All I said is Joe Buck has done a fantastic job with his career, and I respect…

Buck: Why would Joe Buck call this show? It sucks!

Joe, you should have just asked us for our opinions! We think you’re good now!

If that bit of radio comedy sounded a bit stilted, it’s because Joe Buck’s participation was apparently limited to recording plenty of phrases for a soundboard. Though it must be said, it could only have worked as well as it did thanks to the predictability of the radio host responses.

Still, we really like new, secure, comfortable, willing to speak his mind Joe Buck.

It’s refreshing, though it’s still hard to rationalize the “Howard Stern favorite” version of Joe with the old, “shame Randy Moss” version.

But, people are allowed to evolve, after all. Even broadcasters.

[Howard Stern]

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.