New ESPN betting analyst Kelly Stewart let go over past tweets, which Turner Sports decided not to part ways with her over

Last month, ESPN's Scott Clark said "Having an experienced voice like Kelly Stewart join us better positions us to expand our sports betting content going forward." They now won't have Stewart contributing to their betting content.

Bleacher Report lays off at least 10 people, including Ben Osborne and Howard Beck, as B/R Mag gets wound down

Another blow for longform journalism.

B/R CHI 2020 will be Bleacher Report’s largest fan experience yet, with crystal court, exclusive merchandise, and Quavo performing

This is just the latest event B/R has put on, following B/R Gridiron House at Super Bowl LIV and several more events last year.

Turner reportedly plans to fold B/R Live into Bleacher Report app sometime in the next two years

B/R Live will be integrated into Bleacher Report, but it won't happen in the near future.