Lou Holtz complains about the Big Ten cancelling out-of-conference games, saying risk is everywhere and “People stormed Normandy.”

"The way it is right now, they just don't want to have sports and there's no way in this world you can do anything in this world without a risk. People stormed Normandy ... They knew there was going to be casualties, they knew there was going to be risk, but it was a way of life."

Michael Wilbon and Marc J. Spears blast Laura Ingraham’s LeBron comments, with Wilbon saying “she comes off like a bigot”

"It's interesting that all these uberconservatives talk about what stable geniuses they are, but they sound like morons when they try and dictate to other people what they should talk about, what they're smart enough to talk about. She comes off like a bigot."

Clay Travis says Fox News stopped inviting him on under pressure from Disney’s Bob Iger

Travis claims that Fox/Disney acquisition talks led to Iger being able to exert pressure.

Daily Show takes on Fox News’ criticism of Beyonce halftime performance

It seems as though we’ll remember Super Bowl 50 for it’s controversies more than we’ll remember the actual...