Joe Buck hilariously shades Phil Mushnick over Rickey Henderson column
"Tell him that the phrase is 'taken for GRANTED' not 'granite.' Thanks!"
"Tell him that the phrase is 'taken for GRANTED' not 'granite.' Thanks!"
He does this mainly because he’s been with the paper since 1982. And mainly because he can.
"You made stuff up, bro, 30 years ago." "Keep shouting. 'Cause you're a fraud."
"I guess one of his sycophants who report to him got it wrong."
"Ask him to add up how much the horses I own have won the past two years."
After almost three years, This Week In Hot Takes is coming to an end. Here's a look at our picks for the five hottest takes we've covered, plus the final standings and thoughts on the top five finishers there.
"So I said to Joseph Goebbels, “Burn any good books, lately?”" is a hell of a way to start a column about Long Beach State changing its mascot.
"There are images of Cleveland Browns fans too, empty seats, bags on their head, and a bunch of guys from Lima, Ohio wearing masks and barking in the end zone, about nine Budweisers in."
Barkley's claim that no woman could beat him at any sport topped the March 8-14 hot takes.
"When Snoop Dogg, at 47 a pornographer with a long arrest record, does such he’s indulged?"
Giannis Antetokounmpo was drafted in 2013, and Phil Jackson was hired in 2014. The only way to blame Jackson is if you think he has a time machine.
Gottlieb brought the fire on multiple fronts this week.
"If the players all retired tomorrow, we would replace them, the game would go on; in three years it would make no difference whatsoever. The players are NOT the game, any more than the beer vendors are."
"Michigan linebacker Devin Bush ripped free of his teammates’ restraints and, like a crazed, escaped beast, ran to the on-field Michigan State logo to tear and scrape at it with his cleats."
No, Phil, touchdown celebrations don't really seem linked to parents threatening refs.
“Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything” does this mean you can fly a plane into a building? How can so many people @Nike be this ignorant as to the logical fallacy this entails. This is absolute absurd. I really don’t understand. Why would u support this?"
"There's millions of kids that look up to Phil Mickelson, and what he did today has got to do damage to a lot of these kids who really looked up to him."
Mushnick brought back some of the usual standards, but added a rant against three-pointers.
"LeBron James, after 15 years in this league, plays little to no defense even in a playoff game, and I have to tell you: it really, deeply offends me to watch it."
"Mill got [special treatement] from the Sixers, a basketball franchise that should have been worried about winning a championship but instead sent a message to all the law-abiding Philadelphians who worked hard to pay for their playoff tickets that they were fools and chumps."
Mushnick's surprisingly-strong opinion on the existence of an Andre the Giant documentary topped the hot takes from March 30-April 5.
Steigerwald's five-alarm take about gender roles topped this week.
Bayless calling anyone else a self-promoter? Now that's a hot take.