This Week In Hot Takes: Bill James says replacing every MLB player “would make no difference whatsoever” three years later

"If the players all retired tomorrow, we would replace them, the game would go on; in three years it would make no difference whatsoever. The players are NOT the game, any more than the beer vendors are."

This Week In Hot Takes: Darren Rovell says Coke gained $3.14 million from Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony

Rovell topped the week for Sept. 21-27.

This Week In Hot Takes: Jason Smith defends Ronald Acuña beaning, argues Tiger Woods “dominated a BAD era of golf”

"I completely get Ronald Acuña getting drilled. He's led off 3 games w/HR's. Sometimes he showboats a bit. This is how the other team evens the playing field & makes him less comfortable. It all falls under the heading of 'That's baseball.'"

This Week In Hot Takes: Rich Lowry calls soccer “fundamentally flawed,” says baseball’s “purest” because…it’s not subjective?

"In this sense, baseball is the purest sport. It relies less on subjective umpire calls, especially now with replay."