Boomer & Gio: Tom Brady broadcasting games is ‘insanity’ and ‘100% conflict of interest’
"I guess the commissioner is really not gonna get involved in this."
"I guess the commissioner is really not gonna get involved in this."
"I’m gonna tell you right now, I’m gonna say by 2029, maybe 2028…there will be an NFL division in Europe"
"I learned how to deal with it and I’ll tell you this… I’m a much better talk show host now than I was 20 years ago."
"Somebody at Fox knew that those allegations were coming."
"Absolutely heartbreaking."
"It’s an incredible testament to your family, to your commitment to this cause"
"He can’t stay healthy. And to assume that he’s gonna stay healthy next year is stupid"
"I understand why he's pissed, but screw him; I don't care."
"One big rock."
"Just watching and listening to him, George had that passion that Steve Cohen has."
"I thought it was so ridiculous that Spotify would actually say that."
"That was so antithetical to what the Giants have always been about."
"If you have any kind of conversation with anybody on the Giants, you are not saying that."
"This loss was so bad yesterday that I actually got COVID from it. I’m serious"
Sims has ties to WFAN, having worked for the station as a midday sports talk host from 1989-93.
"Your pain is my pleasure."
"If it weren’t for him, there’s no way Donald Trump is sitting here today."
"It can't be any worse."
Sterling's bold claim on Yankee baserunning now has some statistical support.
"Judge, line drive, right field, hit well! AND IT IS UP AND OUT! JUDGE HAS HOMERED! THE GAME IS TIED AT THREE!"
"Boy, if that wasn't the Yankees. That's what they do, run the bases like drunks."
"I don't ever remember Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or anybody else...saying anything publicly behind the podium the way that Aaron did last night."
"I hate to get political."
"I did go to two Nets/Sixers playoff games, and I didn’t feel anything close to the level of disgust I felt last night."