It’s no secret that this website is no fan of Skip Bayless.  And although his act and First Take have done more than anyone to bring down the sports conversation to the lowest common denominator in this country, it’s obvious that there are some fans of the schtick.  Ratings for First Take remain high for their timeslot and Bayless has over 1.5 million Twitter followers.

But even we have to admit we were a bit taken aback when our friend Matt Clapp posted this screenshot of the first NSFW replies to one of Bayless’ tweets from yesterday.

Yikes. Now, seeing these kinds of tweets immediately pop up as the first replies to a very popular account aren’t shocking.  This is Twitter after all.  But it seems to be an unusual trend with Bayless tweets. And again, remember that these show up right beneath Skip’s tweets whenever you click on them individually for the world to see.

My goodness.  It’s fair to speculate whether or not those tweets would exist if Bayless didn’t have such an odious television personality.  A quick check of other highly followed ESPN accounts confirms it’s a Bayless phenomenon.  But nobody deserves to see tweets like that in their mentions, if you’re a college football recruit or the dark lord himself.  These tweets are making us do the impossible: feel sympathy for Skip Bayless.

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