A biopic of WWE CEO Vince McMahon has been in the works for a while now, and it appears WWE Studios and TriStar Pictures have found their ideal actor for the lead role. According to Screen Rant, Bradley Cooper was offered the part, although there’s no news yet on if he’s interested.

Cooper has earned Academy Award nominations for his roles in Silver Linings PlaybookAmerican Hustle, and American Sniper. He last appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 providing the motion capture and voice for Rocket, a freelance criminal raccoon, and is currently attached to more more movies: DeeperAtlantic WallAvengers: Infinity War, and A Star Is Born.

He also a history with WWE, appearing on RAW in 2010 while promoting The A-Team.

Photo credit: WWE.com

WWE Studios has been struggling, but getting a lead actor like Cooper could be exactly what they need to get on the right track.

Folks have already begun mocking up unofficial promotional posters for the film, which is titled Pandemonium. It could work once he shaves the beard and cuts the man bun.

Get Zach Galifinakis to play Hulk Hogan, Ed Helms for Randy Savage and Ken Jeong as Ken Jeong, and this film will be a guaranteed hit.

[Screen Rant]

About Jesse Kramer

Jesse is a writer and editor for The Comeback. He has also worked for SI.com and runs The Catch and Shoot, a college basketball website based in Chicago. He is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Follow Jesse on Twitter @Jesse_Kramer.